All events are held at the King Edward Hall, Lindfield.

Everyone is welcome. Admission is free to members and non-members, but a small donation

at the door for the illustrated TALKS would be welcome, to defray costs.

TALK: Tuesday 13 February 2024 at 2.30 pm “My Wildlife by Paul Reader. With a lifelong passion for wildlife and photography, they are combined to take you on a journey looking at some British species and stories behind the images. Some fun, some with conservational aspects. He will also bring along a number of interesting objects related to the talk.

TALK: Tuesday 12 March 2024 at 2.30 pm “Sussex During World War 1” by Ian Everest. Using period photographs, a look at aspects of daily life in Sussex. A county within the sounds of the guns on the Western Front. A time when Sussex became warfare supply depot for the front line and a reception centre for the wounded.

Our AGM was held on Wednesday 24 April 2024 at 6 pm

Please note the later time – early evening.

Presentation of the 2024 Conservation and Design Awards. Approval of the Society’s accounts for the year 2023. Chairman’s report of activities for the year 2023. Election of the management committee.

Followed by a talk: “The Trams of Lisbon” by Ian Gledhill.

Nearly every travel poster you see of Lisbon features one of the city’s diminutive yellow tram cars. They are survivors of a bygone age and have become an icon of this most charming of European capitals.

The talk was followed by refreshments.

Saturday 1 June 2024 – Join us on the Society’s stand at Lindfield Village Day on the Common.

TALK: WEDNESDAY 11 SEPTEMBER 2024 at 6 pm “Thomas Cromwell and the Sussex Monasteries” by Helen Poole. The dissolution of the monasteries marked one of the most dramatic changes on English history. Thomas Cromwell, one of the most enigmatic figures of Henry VIII’s reign, was the mastermind, having seen the process at first hand at Bayham abbey. All 17 of Sussex houses were to suffer, with Cromwell being granted Michelham and Lewes Priories. However his promotion of Anne of Cleves as a wide for temperamental king meant that he did not live to see the benefits.

TALK: Wednesday 9 October 2024 at 2.30 pm “River Adur Source to the Sea” by Geoffrey Mead. The Adur is not a long river, but its two main branches cross nearly all the geological deposits in the county, creating a series of mini-landscapes from the High Weald to the Channel coast. Its basin is largely rural today but its history is one of mills and ironworking, cement production and ship building. This talk looks at a range of aspects of the river linking its physical and human landscapes.

TALK: Tuesday 12 November 2024 at 2.30 pm “The Land of the Polar Bear” by Ian Rumley-Dawson. A look at the largest and most ferocious land carnivore in the world. Their sheer size and powerful beauty commands respect, thereby symbolising the very essence of the Artic. Also showing a few other animals and feature of taiga and tundra regions in early winter.