• We reported that developers were attempting to build on open spaces within the Welkin. The proposals (applications DM/22/1890 and DM/22/1893) failed to recognise that green and open spaces form an integral part of the Welkin’s design. This could have created a precedent for importing urban blight into the heart of the village and we urged […]

  • There was a victory for common sense in August when a Planning Committee refused permission for this scheme. A successful outcome at the MSDC planning meeting, with the Planning Committee refusing permission for the Tavistock site, turning down the application by a majority vote of 7 – 2. It recognised that the urban design of […]

  • Fairfax the developers withdrew their application for 725 homes in 2020. This is likely to be a tactical withdrawal only, given the potential profits from a scheme of this size. We can expect the developers to continue their efforts to have the golf course added to the District Council’s list of approved sites for development. […]

  • Gladman Developments, a subsidiary of Barrett Homes,  have now appealed against the MSDC process for assessing their development application. Lindfield Society will be speaking at the Appeal Hearing held by the Planning Inspectorate in late October in order to ensure local opinion is represented during the appeal process. Gladman Developments have now re-submitted Outline planning […]

  • Gladman Developments appeal: land off Scamps Hill, Lindfield (DM/24/0446) PINS Ref: APP/D3830/W/24/3350075    MSDC ref: AP/24/0044 The Lindfield Society objects strongly to this appeal, for the reasons stated in our submissionof 14 March 2024 opposing the original application (DM/24/0044). Moreover, the appellants’statement of case contains weaknesses that further undermine their position. The main failings of […]

  • Lindfield Society have written to MSDC with our views on the latest phase of review of the District Plan. The Society will be attending the review in person at the end of October. We wrote: “It is a cause for concern, given the changes both in national planning policy legislation and in MSDC’s administration, that […]

  • Lindfield has endured several years of 32 tonne trucks passing through the High Street (B2028) and the Lewes Road (B2111) on outward and return trips. The situation has become intolerable and we have over 1200 signatures to a petition requiring action. The Lindfield Preservation Society is leading the campaign to reduce the number of Heavy […]