Lindfield Society is committed to the preservation, sympathetic development

and improvement of public amenity or historic interest in the village.


ince 1961 we have worked with Parish Councils and other national and local organisations, scrutinising local planning applications and advising and supporting residents affected by planning decisions.



s we move forward through the 2020s, planning restrictions will become slackened. It will become increasingly important for the Society to remain vigilant and active on behalf of Lindfield residents, to protect the intrinsic character and sense of community which makes our village a very special place to live, for young and old alike.


The Society’s involvement with the village includes organising several illustrated Talks through the year, held at King Edward Hall. The accomplished speakers cover an intriguing range of topics, from Pirates, Policing, to Art Nouveau architecture. These are open to all and free of charge.

Our Conservation & Design Awards acknowledge the efforts of individual residents who undertake home extensions and renovations, using sensitive design that enhances the property and retains the character of the village.

We launched the village Heritage Trail, in co-operation with the History Study Group, to commemorate the Queen’s 70th Jubilee, as well as the Society’s 60th Anniversary.


Speculative development attempted again in Lindfield DM/24/0446

Gladman Developments submitted an Outline Planning application for 90 dwellings off Scamps Hill Road, opposite Gravelye Lane. The Society strongly objected and their representation in March 2024 can be viewed on MSDC website. This has now been readvertised following some new information submitted by the developers. We encourage all residents to object again, either using Mid Sussex District Council’s planning portal or by emailing the case officer Stuart Malcolm ( Our current representation of 14 August addresses ecology issues and can be viewed below.

Please send objections to Mid Sussex District Council by 29 August



March 2024 – Mid Sussex District Plan, Regulation 19 Consultation

The Society’s response to the District Plan is posted on our Planning Issues page.

Mid Sussex District Council is currently revising its District Plan to include even more damaging greenfield housing development. Given the current opposition in Parliament to more centralised housing targets, the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) is urging the council to pause its plans until the legislative position is clarified. The Society fully supports this effort. For CPRE’s critique of the District Plan, see:

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